Below you will find a list of links to websites that I like. Please inform me if any of the links are broken! As for all links on this site, please view the Disclaimer :-)
Musical links
- Harmonie de la Commune de Schuttrange, or «Schëtter Musek» for short, is the wind orchestra in Luxemboug that I used to play with a lot and still play with occasionally.
- Stimmen Bahás e. V. is the national German Bahá'í-Choir which I sing with and am the substitute conductor of.
Bahá'í links
- - general information on the Bahá'í Religion in English, has links to all national Bahá'í-websites
- Offizielle Website der deutschen Bahá'í-Gemeinde mit Informationen zur Bahá'í Religion auf Deutsch.
- Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom
- At the Bahá'í Reference Library you can read Holy Bahá'í Scriptures online.
- Ocean is a free software for PC which enables you to do comprehensive searches of Holy Writings of many religions. Mit der Multilingual version von Ocean kann man die Heiligen Schriften vieler Weltreligionen auch auf Deutsch lesen und durchsuchen.
ICT-related links
- Free CSS Templates is the website where I got the template for this website from.
- Irfan View is the best image viewer/editor that I know. Irfan View auf Deutsch