
Below you will find a list of links to websites that I like. Please inform me if any of the links are broken! As for all links on this site, please view the Disclaimer :-)

Musical links

  • Harmonie de la Commune de Schuttrange, or «Schëtter Musek» for short, is the wind orchestra in Luxemboug that I used to play with a lot and still play with occasionally.
  • Stimmen Bahás e. V. is the national German Bahá'í-Choir which I sing with and am the substitute conductor of.

Bahá'í links

ICT-related links

West London Bahá'í Choir

The West London Bahá'í Choir is now looking for new and old singers alike to join in the 2010/11 singing year. With few but long rehearsals we operate on a very low-commitment basis.

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